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Why is ISO 41001 important?

The ISO 41001:2018 standard aims to assist facilities management companies in increasing productivity in several areas, including operations, maintenance, and procurement.

Facilities management (FM) trauma and introspection brought on by numerous Industry collapses are nearly flawlessly countered by the extremely intelligently developed ISO 41001 "Facility management — Management systems" standard. Whether provided by an internal team or a contractor, implementing and becoming accredited to this standard could pave the way for the cooperative, sustainable, and mutually beneficial provision of workspaces.

Facility management is an organizational function that combines its diverse resources to achieve a single strategic aim of producing high-quality goods and services using people, places, and processes in the built environment, improving people's quality of life, and boosting corporate efficiency.

Office spaces are now designed with numerous workers per desk to facilitate simple working. Today, "demand organizations" - for both internal and external customers - need improved standards of this formerly unimportant adjunct to their core activities because workplaces are typically becoming the second largest overhead after staff costs and, on the other hand, one of the key differentiators in the "war for talent".

To improve people's quality of life and promote productivity in the core business, facility management ISO 41001 is the organizational function that integrates diverse resources, whether internal or external, people, place, and processes, within the setting.

Unfortunately, some industries have "taken liberties" that might not always be advantageous to all relevant parties due to a lack of knowledge (dereliction of duty by employers/customers; in some cases, government). Some of those use so-called "aggressive accounting," while others compare apples and pears. An illustration would be the immediate booking of the entire projected earnings from a five-year contract in the first year without any depreciation planning or contingency. It's hard to imagine a harsher critique of corporate leadership. Also, in this case, the ISO 41001 standard could be useful.

There is a clear, pressing need for a route towards a good future. The guidance standard ISO 41012 ‘Facility management — the development of agreements and guidance on strategic sourcing’ has been published and has a key philosophical approach contained in the statements under Section 7.1: “That the provision of facilities management is a joint and inter-dependent relationship between demand organization and service provider”.

Although ISO 41001 is a standard that may be audited, a service provider cannot be audited separately from the contract it is managing or the service it is offering. To guarantee that mutuality and benefits are maintained throughout the agreement, consideration may be given to changes in essential business requirements.

Other standards relevant to this expanding field are ISO 55001 for asset management and ISO 44001 standard for collaborative business relationship management systems. Both standards provide practical, well-organized, and complimentary foundations for a more stable future.

FM has a variety of problems, from the worst excesses of bad administration and management to a far more positive abundance of new rules, guidelines, and standards. Therefore, demanding client and contractor collaboration is quite practical and valuable, not to mention Value-for-Money, and is headed by a particularly collaborative ISO standard—ISO 41001:2018—which unequivocally covers all these.

Process of ISO 41001 Certification

The assessment of ISO 41001:2018 is challenging, tenacious, and strategic. Documentation in comparison to the policy norm is fairly substantial and needs the help of professionals. to expedite and simplify the ISO 41001 Certification process. Hiring a consultant can assist you and your company in completing the following procedures to become ISO 41001 Certified:

  • Gap analysis instruction and testing
  • Documentation and Test Report
  • Process Audit
  • External Audit
  • Certification and Beyond